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How to fix this issue:

:) Disk Space is taking space without doing anything on your PC.

Hmm so I was just searching up why my :) disk space was filling itself on my PC and it seems like people use treesize or something like that and it helps. I might try that myself since I need it.

I swear sports celebs have 𝘵𝘩𝘦 backstory of all time.

Please help raise money to get my 14 year old dog to the vet.

Whoever wrote "School kills artists!" in the girls' school bathroom at my school is an absolute legend .

Cute pocket cat and puppy 3d updated last year! It's sad that no one really plays it anymore, it feels empty and depressing. I hope it revives and it won't be so empty anymore and goes back to its glory old days.

You have been Owled by Owlicious!

Playing a childhood game that is on mobile but I don't know if it'll be available for everyone's device but it was pretty good but I think the creator stopped updating it unfortunately but I still love it!

I didn't even know that it will get 31 reads but I'm glad because if it goes over 40ish then it will be my most viewed book :D

I swear if project 2025 happens then I'm just gonna consider going bye bye because project 2025 is bullshit and I don't wanna live in a world like that because I know my parents don't have enough money to move so yeahhh.